Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to Get Better Paying Ads

The better the targeting the more the ads are likely to make you revenue. Having better targeting is a result of good SEO while better paying ads could also relate to the niche of your site or blog. Thus, let’s break it into two parts.
  1. SEO: Search Engine Optimization or SEO effectively ensures that your site shows up to the search engines and bots as what it is intended to be. Thus the layout and content should be semantic. To see how your website appears (more or less) to a search engine try to see your site in an all text browser like Linx or disable all javascript and CSS in your browser or the site itself. What the search bots see additionally see are the meta tags, the page title etc. The wordpress theme by default takes good care of the SEO mechanics however ensure that you place the relevant keywords in appropriate place like the meta description, headings etc. When the AdSense bot knows what your site actually is about, AdSense will show more relevant advertisements which are more likely to be useful to your visitors. Additionally use AdSense section targeting.
  2. Niche: There are certain niches which pay more for advertisements and others that pay less. As a blogger or a webmaster, if your sole purpose is to monetize your site, creating a niche site is the answer. Do your research and create content that is useful for the visitors and advertisers.
  3. Relevancy: Additionally Google AdSense manually allows you to review the site ads and block ads of certain categories which do not perform as well or are not relevant to your site content. Use this feature under AdSense Setup > Ad Review Center > Category Filters. Additionally review the placement targeted ads periodically.
Additionally use the Competitive Ad Filter to block ads that advertise competing products and services.

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